
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh my!

This week has been full of "Oh my!" moments, epiphanies and new beginnings.  I guess the fact that yesterday was "Spring the 1st", as I have been calling it, may have something to do with it.  I don't know. 
The weather has been so unusually warm that on the last day of winter we actually had to sleep with the windows open.  Had to.  The night before was miserably sticky.  The first day of spring was so still and sunny that the house had already heated so much by nitghtfall that we had to use a window fan just to cool the bedroom off well enough for sleeping. 

It's very strange to have the daffodils and our nectarine tree, as well as they yellow bells, already finished with their annual show, and to see dandelion puff balls all over the place.  I love it.  Love the racket of song birds waking me up in the morning, green popping up everywhere, the flowering pears exploding with blossoms.  We turned a corner in a turn of the previous century neighborhood the other day and found ourselves driving through a cherry blossom covered lane through old winter!  Beautiful, like a fairy land.

Spring also brought a few exclamations of Oh my when we were enjoying a quiet moment in the deserted wing of one of our local old hotels where my boys and I had passed the time while Hubby was downstairs at a business conference.  It took us a minute to realize what we were seeing, but there on the golf course below us appeared dozens of male wild turkeys struttin' their stuff before maybe a half dozen females.  What should have been a magical witness to one of nature's rare moments, not usually glimpsed by human eyes was one of the dorkiest displays we had ever seen.  And I know from their behavior that that's exactly what the female turkeys were thinking as they totally ignored the puffed up, fan tailed idiotic looking males and casually walked across the green patches of course.  Where's Gary Larson when you need him?  I can imagine that he would have come up with several good cartoon drawings from that fifteen minute event. 

Another Oh my experience occurred when I visited my anonymous blog on a site that is focused on health.  My goals are centered around being "Fabulous at Forty" or as darn close to that as I can get.  I set up my profile over three years ago, and though I have only a few weeks left, I am no closer to being "fabulous" than I was then.  Well, a little closer, but my initial goals are not even close to being met.  I did realize, however, that the last time I posted or visited the site was when I had just started my cooking blog and was very nervous about how I was going to survive cooking and eating "real" food again rather than grilled chicken, fish, and grains.  Then I looked back over my year of food blogging and saw that I have done everything but subsist on grilled chicken, fish, and grains.  I did it.  I made it through with very few bumps in the road. Strange to be on the other side and see that I can cook, eat, and work very hard to keep myself from blimping up like the Hindenburg, though I still have a lot of work to do. 

Another thing I noticed was the regular progress reports about my sudden back problems and how it was affecting my workouts and yoga practice.  I am such a glass is half empty type person that I didn't even realize that my back is perfectly fine now and I never even feel the slightest kink anymore thanks to a great chiropractor.  So nice to realize that I am on the other side of that too.

I was even more surprised to find myself in my blog post committing to my old 6 p.m. yoga session when I hadn't done a full session since November.  And, though I was two hours late fulfilling my commitment, I did it.  I really did it...and cried the first dadgum five minutes of it.  I kept thinking that it was how coming into your mother's arms should feel, or slipping into a hot bath, diving into a cold, natural Florida spring.  Why, why, HOW could I ever let that slip away from me?  I won't let it again.  Not ever.  That is an Oh my that I need every day, twice a day if I can manage, as I was doing regularly the year before my back went on the fritz.

There were a few more Oh my moments to my day yesterday, but one of the biggest was the fact that my husband's business got a big jump start.  Our future looks even more interesting than it did last week with many possibilities that can help get him working from home, permanently.  This is our ultimate life goal and he is a good three or four steps closer to getting there.  Oh my, am I proud of him! 

But before half the day was even over and I knew of the developments with my husband's business I posted this as my sign off for my anonymous blog post, "Two years ago, if I had reached my goal weight, I might as well have had an additional 75lbs. to lose, there was still so much work to do on me. I think I'm going to be fine. I think I have worked on EVERYTHING else first and now...I'm HAPPY!!"

I didn't know I even felt that way until it streamed out onto my computer screen.  Mission accomplished.  Oh MY! 

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